
Aims and objectives of the Don Stewart Memorial Trust

The aims and objectives of the Trust is to provide funds to:

Wider community access

Provide wider community access to leading sporting fields and facilities at College Rifles Park by way of replacement, upgrade and future development; and

Support our members

Support our members, by making an annual ‘Rifles Supporter Grant’ dedicated to the promotion and encouragement of overall welfare for any Club member, player or volunteer, funded by a distribution from Trust income. The intention is that the initial donations will only be allocated at this time, any other distributions will be from the Trust income.

Rifles Supporter Grant

The recipient of the Rifles Supporter Grant will be announced each year at the Club Annual Meeting. Applications will be called for in September each year and can cover such areas as:
The provision of resources (including education in rugby skills and development);

Guidance and/or personal development;


Career development.

Welfare in the wider sense

Essentially, welfare in the wider sense of the whole person for their future life success. The aim is that this will create inter-generational benefit for years to come.

The amount will vary each year but is expected to be at least $3,000 per year.

Donations frequently asked questions

What type of donations can be made?

Regular giving — your year

As a Club Supporter you can contribute dollars and cents that relate to the year you started your involvement with the Club. For example, if you joined in 1993 your donation is $19.93; this can be paid weekly, fortnightly or monthly. This option allows you to contribute at different levels as you move through your career — from leaving education and starting work all the way through to your retirement years.

You can set this up with your bank using internet banking or download the automatic payment form with the Don Stewart Memorial Trust's details already completed, add your own details and deliver the completed form to your bank directly or send to kiaora@croba.nz and we will action it for you.

One-off donations

An alternative to recurring smaller donations, is to make a high value lump sum once only donation.

No-interest loans

As a Club Supporter you will only sacrifice the interest on their loan and can get their principal back at short notice if required.


Making a bequest in your will is a simple and effective way of supporting the Foundation beyond your lifetime. Firstly, speak to your family about your plans so they understand why you are choosing to remember The Don Stewart Memorial Trust in your will. We recommend that you seek professional advice and speak to your lawyer about revising your will.